I caught COVID.

On the 28th of Dec I developed COVID-19 symptoms, but thankfully the symptoms were very mild (thanks vaccine!). During my 2 week quarantine and recovery I got into Yu-Gi-Oh through “Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution”. Finding out where cards were was a huge pain because I have not kept up with the franchise and over 10,000 cards were hidden behind character specific booster packs & challenge duels. Other card finders did not have any visual aid or provide card information so they were useless to me because I had no idea who “Gong Strong” or “Akiza Izinski” etc were. Frustrated, I built my own card finder that utilizes the Yugipedia mediawiki API to grab images and information.

Searching out archetypes like “Vampire”, “Elemental Hero”, “Utopia”, or “Blue-Eyes” and looking at all the cool card art on my phone was also a nice bedridden activity. Hopefully this is useful to someone else out there!

See Live At:

LOTD: Link Evolution Card Finder


  • Image for the booster pack characters, so that those not knowledgeable about the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise can still target the correct cards.
  • Pulls card images from the Yugipedia mediawiki API so that you can preview the card’s stats and effects.
  • Extra information such as alternate farming locations or card rarity also provided.
  • Resetting delay on key-up event for the search to prevent flooding the API with requests.
  • Straightforward mobile and desktop UI

Built With


Features to be added in the future:

  • Card saving feature to create your own searchable list.

Special Thanks

  • This google sheet by reddit user /u/Sephiroth0327 that provided the card names, booster locations, and alternate farm locations.
  • Yugipedia and the mediawiki API for providing the card and booster images.


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!