What is pagination? Let’s say you have a list of items you want to display on your site, displaying the entire list at once can be problematic if it’s extremely large or if each list item is resource intensive such as requiring an API call. Pagination is a way to display only a set number of items on your page while allowing easy access to the other items if needed. This is a guide to walk you through the thought process, white-boarding, and implementation of pagination in vanilla JavaScript.
Our pagination module will consist of a single function with a couple callbacks, let’s go over what that function will need in order to be successful:
Parameters required for pagination
Design choices / features we will want
What the functionality of the pagination will look like
Error handling
Here’s the entire whiteboard we will use for our function. Please click the image for a full size version. Don’t worry we will go over each process one by one:
Our paginate function will require two parameters:
The array of objects we want to paginate
The array will be used to determine the number of pages that need displaying.
The current page number
The page number will be used to determine how the pagination is displayed as well as let our content generating function know what chunk of content to render.
Pagination requires asking the following questions:
How many pages are you going to have?
For this project we will display 5 items per page. This determines our page numbers.
How many pagination items will you display?
I prefer 5, 9, or 11 as the number of pagination items to display, dependent on screen size. This is up to the developer. For this project we will be going with 9.
Any extra features?
Most pagination UIs have a next and previous button. We will include those features as well.
Our pagination will need the following functionality:
Render the pagination elements:
When there are a few pages, we can just render all of the pages like so:
[prev] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] [next]
When there are many pages, how we render will depend on the current page number.
When the page number is in the early ranges:
[prev] [1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 99, 100] [next]
When the page number is in the middle range:
[prev] [1, ..., 45, 46, 47 ..., 100] [next]
When the page number is in the end ranges:
[prev] [1, 2, ..., 97, 98, 99, 100] [next]
Notice how each of the display styles have the same number of pagination items displayed. This is the consistent behavior we want.
Create pagination items that have the following functionality when clicked:
Re-draw the pagination element and update the page numbers of buttons.
Update the previous and next button page number pointers. Because if you were on page 3 those pointed to page 2 and 4 respectively, but if you suddenly jump to page 55 then those buttons need to point to different numbers.
Set styling so that the current page number stands out from the others.
Send the information to the content rendering function so that the correct slice of the array is rendered into the content area.
Lets' handle any possible errors that might occur.
What happens when the current page number sent to the pagination function is out of range of the page numbers? For example let’s say we are at page 1 and we click the previous button, or oppositely, we are at the last page and click the next button; how would out of range pages be handled?
Solution: detect invalid page numbers being passed in, and return out of any linked rendering function.
What happens when the array passed in is empty? Let’s say our content has a search function, when the search input returns an empty list, how should our paginate function render?
Solution: empty arrays should result in an empty pagination since no content is rendered.
Note: our previous and next buttons are using html code to represent the < and > characters.
First let’s enter in our parameters, set our design variables, and do initial prep:
Note: comments with +++ in them indicates that the code below is new
// +++ create the pagination for the current array and page number
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// +++ display 5 items per page
let itemsPerPage =5;
// +++ get the current total number of pages, make sure to round up
let numPages =Math.ceil(array.length / itemsPerPage);
// +++ target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// display 5 items per page
let itemsPerPage =5;
// get the current total number of pages, make sure to round up
let numPages =Math.ceil(array.length / itemsPerPage);
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// +++ error: if the array is empty, empty the pagination display
if (array.length <1) {
// +++ clear the pagination elements
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// +++ exit the function so that nothing else is done
// +++ error: if current page number is out of range, do nothing
if (current <1|| current > numPages) {
// +++ exit the function so that nothing else is done
Let’s add our functionality in, starting with the previous and next buttons:
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// display 5 items per page
let itemsPerPage =5;
// get the current total number of pages, make sure to round up
let numPages =Math.ceil(array.length / itemsPerPage);
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// error: if the array is empty, empty the pagination display
if (array.length <1) {
// clear the pagination elements
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// exit the function so that nothing else is done
// error: if current page number is out of range, do nothing
if (current <1|| current > numPages) {
// exit the function so that nothing else is done
// +++ apply functionality to the previous and next buttons
// +++ target the previous and next DOM elements
let next =document.getElementById('next');
let previous =document.getElementById('previous');
// +++ remove previous event handlers (so event handlers don't pile up)
next.onclick =null;
previous.onclick =null;
// +++ update the previous and next buttons to do the following:
// +++ 1. re-render the pagination elements with new current page
// +++ 2. send the array and new current page to render correct content
previous.onclick =function () {
paginate(array, current -1);
renderContent(array, current -1, itemsPerPage, numPages);
next.onclick =function () {
paginate(array, current +1);
renderContent(array, current +1, itemsPerPage, numPages);
For completeness sake, here’s an example of what a renderContent function in this use case might look like:
Here we assume the array will just be an array of numbers from 1 - 100.
// render the content
const renderContent = (array, current, itemsPerPage, numPages) => {
// if current page number is out of range, do nothing
if (current <1|| current > numPages) {
// exit the function so that nothing else is done
// using the page number, determine what slice of the list to render
current -=1;
let increment = current * itemsPerPage;
// as the page number increases, the bottom and top of the slice should
// increase accordingly (e.g. (0, 5) to (5, 10) etc. )
let start =0+ increment;
let end = itemsPerPage + increment;
let activeData = array.slice(start, end);
// target the content container to add items to
let content =document.getElementById('content');
// empty out the current contents
content.innerHTML ='';
// fill with the new content
activeData.forEach((item) => {
const listItem =document.createElement('li');
listItem.textContent = item
With that out of the way, let’s add our pagination number items. First we add the logic for when the page numbers are low (in our case less than 7).
Remember we want it to look like this: [prev] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] [next]
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// ... collapsed previous code for clarity
// +++ clear previous pagination numbers so that we can redraw them
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// +++ add the pagination number items
// +++ if the total page number is low, just render all the page numbers
if (numPages <8) {
for (let i =1; i <= numPages; i++) {
// +++ create the pagination number element
const paginateNum =document.createElement('div');
paginateNum.classList ='paginate-num';
paginateNum.textContent = i;
// +++ apply styling if number matches current number
if (current === i) {
// +++ apply click event for pagination element
paginateNum.onclick =function () {
// +++ re-render the pagination elements with pagination item number
paginate(array, i);
// +++ render content based on pagination item number
renderContent(array, i, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ add number into pagination container
Since we’re going to be adding pagination numbers very often, to maintain DRY let’s relegate this task to it’s own function.
// add a single pagination number to the DOM
const addPaginateNum = (array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages) => {
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// create the pagination number element
const paginateNum =document.createElement('div');
paginateNum.classList ='paginate-num';
paginateNum.textContent = i;
// apply styling if number matches current number
if (current === i) {
// apply click event for pagination element
paginateNum.onclick =function () {
// re-render the pagination elements with pagination item number
paginate(array, i);
// render content based on pagination item number
renderContent(array, i, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// add number into pagination container
Now our previous paginate number functionality looks much cleaner.
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// ... collapsed previous code for clarity
// clear previous pagination numbers so that we can redraw them
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// add the pagination number items
// if the total page number is low, just render all the page numbers
if (numPages <8) {
for (let i =1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
Before we move ahead with longer page number cases. We can predict that we will need to dynamically add ... skip items to our pagination items depending on where the current page number is. Let’s create a function for this as well so we can call it when we need it.
// add a "..." pagination item for long pagination lists
const addPaginateSkip = () => {
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// create the pagination skip
const paginateSkip =document.createElement('div');
paginateSkip.classList ='paginate-skip';
paginateSkip.textContent ='. . .';
//add the pagination skip
Continuing with functionality, we are going to add our render cases for when the total number of pages is greater than 7. Remember that we have 3 different render cases:
When the page number is in the early ranges:
[prev] [1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 99, 100] [next]
When the page number is in the middle range:
[prev] [1, ..., 45, 46, 47 ..., 100] [next]
When the page number is in the end ranges:
[prev] [1, 2, ..., 97, 98, 99, 100] [next]
Let’s start with the first case, the early ranges.
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// ... collapsed previous code for clarity
// clear previous pagination numbers so that we can redraw them
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// add the pagination number items
// if the total page number is low, just render all the page numbers
if (numPages <8) {
for (let i =1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ if the total number of pages is greater than 7
} elseif (numPages >7) {
// +++ if the current page number is in the early ranges (here less than 4)
if (current <4) {
// +++ render all the early numbers
for (let i =1; i <5; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ render a paginate skip
// +++ render the last two page numbers
for (let i = numPages -1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
Extending this pattern to the next two display cases is relatively straightforward.
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// ... collapsed previous code for clarity
// clear previous pagination numbers so that we can redraw them
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// add the pagination number items
// if the total page number is low, just render all the page numbers
if (numPages <8) {
for (let i =1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// if the total number of pages is greater than 7
} elseif (numPages >7) {
// if the current page number is in the early ranges (here less than 4)
if (current <4) {
// render all the early numbers
for (let i =1; i <5; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// render a paginate skip
// render the last two page numbers
for (let i = numPages -1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ if the current page number is in the middle (3 < current < max - 2)
} elseif (current >3&& current < numPages -2) {
// +++ render the first number
addPaginateNum(array, 1, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ render a paginate skip
// +++ render the current number and it's adjacent numbers as well
for (let i = current -1; i <= current +1; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ render a paginate skip
// +++ render the last number
addPaginateNum(array, numPages, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ if current page number is at the end ranges (greater than max - 3)
} elseif (current >= numPages -2) {
// +++ render the first two numbers
addPaginateNum(array, 1, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
addPaginateNum(array, 2, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// +++ render a paginate skip
// +++ render the end numbers
for (let i = numPages -3; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
And with that we are done! Let’s take one final look at the entire thing before we look at a live example of it in action.
const paginate = (array, current) => {
// display 5 items per page
let itemsPerPage =5;
// get the current total number of pages, make sure to round up
let numPages =Math.ceil(array.length / itemsPerPage);
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// error: if the array is empty, empty the pagination display
if (array.length <1) {
// clear the pagination elements
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// exit the function so that nothing else is done
// error: if current page number is out of range, do nothing
if (current <1|| current > numPages) {
// exit the function so that nothing else is done
// apply functionality to the previous and next buttons
// target the previous DOM elements
let next =document.getElementById('next');
let previous =document.getElementById('previous');
// remove previous event handlers (so event handlers don't pile up)
next.onclick =null;
previous.onclick =null;
// update the previous and next buttons to do the following:
// 1. re-render the pagination elements with new current page
// 2. send the array and new current page to render correct content
previous.onclick =function () {
paginate(array, current -1);
renderContent(array, current -1, itemsPerPage, numPages);
next.onclick =function () {
paginate(array, current +1);
renderContent(array, current +1, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// clear previous pagination numbers so that we can redraw them
paginateItems.innerHTML ='';
// add the pagination number items
// if the total page number is low, just render all the page numbers
if (numPages <8) {
for (let i =1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// if the total number of pages is greater than 7
} elseif (numPages >7) {
// if the current page number is in the early ranges (here less than 4)
if (current <4) {
// render all the early numbers
for (let i =1; i <5; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// render a paginate skip
// render the last two page numbers
for (let i = numPages -1; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// if the current page number is in the middle (3 < current < max - 2)
} elseif (current >3&& current < numPages -2) {
// render the first number
addPaginateNum(array, 1, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// render a paginate skip
// render the current number and it's adjacent numbers as well
for (let i = current -1; i <= current +1; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// render a paginate skip
// render the last number
addPaginateNum(array, numPages, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// if current page number is at the end ranges (greater than max - 3)
} elseif (current >= numPages -2) {
// render the first two numbers
addPaginateNum(array, 1, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
addPaginateNum(array, 2, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// render a paginate skip
// render the end numbers
for (let i = numPages -3; i <= numPages; i++) {
addPaginateNum(array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// add a single pagination number to the DOM
const addPaginateNum = (array, i, current, itemsPerPage, numPages) => {
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// create the pagination number element
const paginateNum =document.createElement('div');
paginateNum.classList ='paginate-num';
paginateNum.textContent = i;
// apply styling if number matches current number
if (current === i) {
// apply click event for pagination element
paginateNum.onclick =function () {
// re-render the pagination elements with pagination item number
paginate(array, i);
// render content based on pagination item number
renderContent(array, i, itemsPerPage, numPages);
// add number into pagination container
// add a "..." pagination item for long pagination lists
const addPaginateSkip = () => {
// target our DOM elements for manipulation
const paginateItems =document.getElementById('paginate-items');
// create the pagination skip
const paginateSkip =document.createElement('div');
paginateSkip.classList ='paginate-skip';
paginateSkip.textContent ='. . .';
//add the pagination skip
// render the content
const renderContent = (array, current, itemsPerPage, numPages) => {
// if current page number is out of range, do nothing
if (current <1|| current > numPages) {
// exit the function so that nothing else is done
// using the page number, determine what slice of the list to render
current -=1;
let increment = current * itemsPerPage;
// as the page number increases, the bottom and top of the slice should
// increase accordingly (e.g. (0, 5) to (5, 10) etc. )
let start =0+ increment;
let end = itemsPerPage + increment;
let activeData = array.slice(start, end);
// target the content container to add items to
let content =document.getElementById('content');
// empty out the current contents
content.innerHTML ='';
// fill with the new content
activeData.forEach((item) => {
const listItem =document.createElement('li');
listItem.textContent = item;
I hope you’ve enjoyed how I wrap my head around making pagination. With a little thoughtfulness, making a consistent predictable pagination is relatively simple. Till next time!